Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Fifteen Examples of Supplications Immediately Answered by Allah

The Messenger of Allah related that Allah Said:
"...if he calls upon Me, I answer him, and if he asks of Me, I will give him..."
Ibn Rajab commented:"...This means that this person who is beloved and close to Allah has a special status with Allah such that if he asks Allah for something, He gives it to him, and if he seeks refuge with Allah from anything, He protects him from that thing, and if he calls upon Him, He answers him. So, he ends up becoming from those whose supplications are answered due to his honor with Allah.
And many from the righteous early generations were known to have their supplications answered.
It is related in the 'Sahih' that ar-Rubay' bint an-Nadr broke a tooth of a slave. So, they offered compensation, and they refused. They asked for pardon, and they refused. The Messenger of Allah was then going to implement the rule of retaliation between them. Anas bin an-Nadr said: "The tooth of ar-Rubay' will be broken? By the One who has sent you with the truth, her tooth will not be broken." So, the people were pleased and took the compensation. The Messenger of Allah then said: "Indeed, from the slaves of Allah are those who, if they make an oath upon Allah, He fulfills it."
...And Ibn Abi ad-Dunya reported with his chain that an-Nu'man bin Qawfal said on the day of Uhud: "O Allah, I swear that I will be killed and enter Paradise." So, he was killed, and the Prophet said: "Indeed, Nu'man made an oath upon Allah, and He fulfilled that oath."
And Abu Nu'aym reported with his chain from Sa'd that 'Abdullah bin Jahsh said on the day of Uhud: "O Lord, if I meet the enemy tomorrow, give me an adversary who is strong and harsh for me to fight for Your Sake and for him to fight me. Then, let him cut off my nose and ear so that when I meet You the next day, You Say: 'O 'Abdullah! Why were your nose and ear cut off?' I will say: 'For You and Your Messenger.' And You will Say: 'You have spoken the truth.'" Sa'd said: "I saw him at the end of the day with his nose and ear hanging from a thread."
And Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas would have his supplications answered. A man lied upon him, and he said: "O Allah, if he is lying, take away his eyesight, elongate his life, and expose him to trials and tribulations. " So, the man was stricken with all of this, as he used to walk through the streets and come into contact with the slave girls, saying: "I am an old man who is experiencing fitnah. I have been stricken with the supplication of Sa'd!"
And he supplicated against a man he heard insulting 'Ali, and immediately, a camel came and trampled him to death.And a woman disputed with Sa'id bin Zayd over some land he owned, claiming that he had taken from her land. So, he said: "O Allah, if she is lying, take away her eyesight and kill her in her own land." So, she became blind, and one night when she was walking in her land, she fell into a well and died.
And al-'Ala' bin al-Hadrami was on an expedition, and those with him became very thirsty. So, he prayed and supplicated: "O Knower, O Bestower, O Most High, O Mighty! We are Your slaves, and we are fighting Your enemy for Your Sake. Give us water to drink and make ablution from, and do not allow anyone else to benefit from this water!" They walked for a bit to find a river of water flowing from the sky. They drank from it and filled their vessels. Later, some of his companions returned to where the river was to find that there was nothing there, as if there had never been any water there.
And someone complained to Anas bin Malik of a drought in a part of al-Basrah. So, he performed ablution and went out to the patch of land, prayed two units, and it then began raining on the patch of land, and the rain did not fall anywhere beyond that patch of land....And Abu Muslim al-Khawlani was known for having his supplications answered. Once, a gazelle passed by him, and the young boys in the area said: "Ask Allah to allow us to capture this gazelle!" So, he supplicated, and he captured it and held it until they were able to take it from his hands.And he once supplicated against a woman who had ruined his relationship with his wife that her eyesight be taken away. She immediately went blind, and she came to him begging. So, he had pity for her and asked Allah to return her eyesight to her, and his wife returned to her normal state with him.
And a man lied upon Mutarraf bin 'Abdullah, and Mutarraf said: "If you are lying, I ask Allah to hasten your departure," and the man died on the spot.And a Kharijite used to pass by the classes of al-Hasan al-Basri and annoy those present. When it became unbearable, al-Hasan said: "O Allah, You Know how he has harmed us. So, suffice us against him with what You Will," and the man immediately collapsed and was carried dead to his family.And Silah bin Ashim was on an expedition, and his camel wandered off with all of his belongings, and there was nobody else around. So, he stood and prayed, saying: "O Allah, I swear that you will return my camel and belongings," and it walked back until it stood right in front of him....
And Habib al-'Ajami Abu Muhammad was known for having his supplications answered. He once supplicated for a young boy who was bald, and would weep and wipe his tears over the boy's head. The boy's hair began growing black all over his head, and it looked better than it had before....And Sa'id bin Jubayr was patient upon the harm inflicted upon him by al-Hajjaj until he killed him, and he was from those whose supplication was answered. He used to have a rooster whose crowing would wake him up to pray at night. One night, it didn't wake him up on time, and he became very distressed, saying: "What is wrong with it? May Allah cut off its voice!" It never crowed again, and his mother said: "My son, do not supplicate against anything ever again."See 'Jami' al-'Ulum wal-Hikam' (2/348-354) for more.
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Saturday, March 1, 2008

Friday is the Best Day of the Week

Verily all praises and gratitude are due to Allaah, the One Who sent His messenger with Islam, so that it prevails over all other religions. Praise to the One Who lead us to Friday.

To our topic; below are some points of reminder for the Muslims. These benefits can be shared with the family on the way to Jum’ah, at breakfast or lunch. The previous nations before us were lead astray from this day and Allaah has allowed this ummah to be successful to acknowledge it.

· Friday is the Best Day of the Week.

Abu Hurayrah(may Allaah be pleased with him)mentioned that the Prophet(peace and blessings be upon him)said,”

“The best day of the week the sun rises is Friday. Adam was created, placed in Paradise, and removed from there on Friday”
Collected by Muslim in his Saheeh (2013)

· The Jum’ah prayer is on Friday. A great emphasis has been put on the obligation for the Prayer. Furthermore this prayer is the best congregational salah. Whoever is heedless of this prayer, Allaah will place a seal over his heart.
Abu Hurayrah(may Allaah be pleased with him)narrated that the messenger of Allaah said,”

“Advise the people to avoid missing the Jum’ah prayer, because if they neglect it Allaah will place a seal over their hearts .Then they will be among the heedless.”
Collected by Muslim in his Saheeh (2039)

Extra point of benefit: Shaykh Abdullah bin Baz said,” To take a different road home from the one you go to Jum’ah on is sunnah as well. The hadeeth which deals with practicing this action for ‘Eid carries the same meaning for Jum’ah and Hajj. Refer to Al-Hullul Ibreezeeyah min Ta’leeqahtul Bazeeyah ‘Ala Saheeh Al-Bukhari.1/ 291

· There is an hour during Friday when supplications are answered.

Abu Hurayrah(may Allaah be pleased with him)narrated that the messenger of Allaah(peace and blessings be upon him),

“There is an hour on Friday when the servant stands, prays and asks Allaah for something it is given to him ”

Collected by Bukari in his Saheeh (5294)

Ibn Al-Qayyim(may Allaah have mercy upon him)mentioned that there is a difference of opinion about when this particular hour is. The most acceptable of opinions are two: 1st This hour is from when the khateeb sits until he prays. 2nd. This hour is after Asr. And the 2nd point of view is the most superior.[ Zad Al-Ma’ad 1/389-390]

· Giving charity on Friday is the best day of the week to do so.

Ibn Al-Qayyim said, “Giving

charity of Friday with regard to the rest of the week is the best day to do so. This is similar to the superiority of giving charity during Ramadhan with regard to the rest of the months.”
Ka’b(may Allaah be pleased with him)said,”

“Giving Sadaqah on Friday is better than giving it on any other day of the week”

Collected by Abdur Razzak in his Musanaf(5558) . This narration’s isnad is Saheeh.

· Friday is the weekly ‘Eid

Ibn ‘Abbaas(may Allaah be pleased with him)conveyed that Allaah’s messenger(peace and blessings be upon him)said,

“Verily today is an ‘Eid which Allaah has decreed for the Muslims. So whoever comes for the Prayer must perform a ghusl…”

Collected by Ibn Majah in his sunnan (1152)and At-Tabarani in Awsot(142).Graded as being Hasan through other narrations that support it i.e hasan lee Ghayreehee. by Al-Abani in Saheeh At-Targeeb wat Tarheeb 707

· The servants’ past sins are forgiven on Friday

Salman Al-Faarasee( may Allaah be pleased with him)narrated that the messenger of Allaah(peace and blessings be upon him)said,”

"Whoever takes a bath on Friday, purifies himself as much as he can, then uses his (hair) oil or perfumes himself with the scent of his house, then proceeds (for the Jumu’ah prayer) and does not separate two people sitting together (in the masjid), then prays as much as (Allaah has) written for him and remains silent while the Imam is delivering the Khutba, his sins in-between the present and the last Friday would be forgiven.”
Collected by Bukhari in his Saheeh (843)

· Dying during Friday, whether day or night is a sign of a good departure from this world and he/she will be safeguarded against the trials in the grave.

Ibn ‘Amr (may Allaah be pleased with him)said, the messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings)said,” “Any Muslim who dies on Friday Allaah will protect him from the trials of the grave”

Collected by At-Tirmithi in his Sunnan(1095) and Ahmed in his Musnad(14/268) Graded as being Hasan by Al-Albani in his checking for Sunnah At-Tirmithi# 1074

Translated by: Abu Aaliyah Abdullah Ibn Dwight Lamont Battle
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Friday, February 22, 2008

Being Two-Faced

Being Two-Facedal-Haafidh Abu Haatim Muhammad ibn Hibbaan
Reference: Rawdat al 'Uqalaa: P. 49

Category: Sayings of the Salaf

Muhammad ibnul Hussain ibn Qutaybah in 'Asqalaan informed me that Ibraheem al Hawraani…on the authority of Sahl who said that the Messenger of Allaah said: 'There is no good in a companion who does not observe the same rights towards you as you observe towards him.'
Abu Haatim, may Allaah be pleased with him, said: It is compulsory for an intelligent individual who was blessed by Allaah to have love for a Muslim, to stay close/cling on to him. He should accustom himself to stay in contact with him if he cuts him off, to turn towards him if he turns away, to give him if he withholds, to draw close to him if he distances himself, to the point that he is like a pillar in his life. It is from the greatest of faults for a person to be two faced in his affection.

Al Muntasir ibn Bilaal al Ansaaree recited (this poem) to me:

How many a friend displays affection with his tongue,
but is deceitful in my absence and is not regretful.
He unwillingly amuses me so I may love him,
but his words in my absence strike me like arrows.

Abu Haatim said: The intelligent individual is not deficient in his affection, he does not have two faces or two hearts. Rather, what he conceals is identical to what he reveals, his actions are in accordance to his speech. There is no good in two companions where deficiency grows between them, and their state increases in corruption, as 'Abdul 'Azeez ibn Sulaimaan al Abrash recited to me:

May Allaah revile one whom having affection towards is of no use,
and one whose rope/aid is feeble, when extended.
And one who is of two colors [two-faced], is not consistent,
in keeping ties, a betrayer of everyone trustworthy.
And one who has two hearts - meeting him,
is enjoyable, but is untrustworthy in his absence.
And one whom if his eyes were to speak,
they would cut off all paths of companionships.

'Amru ibn Muhammad an Nasaa-ee recited to me:
The eye reveals what is within the soul,
of hatred or love if present.
Indeed one who harbors hatred has an eye [look] which is apparent,
unable to conceal by it what lies within his heart.
The eye speaks even though the mouth moves not,
to the point where you would clearly see what lies within the heart.

'Alee ibn Muhammad al Basaamee recited to me:
A neighbor that continues to send me,
painful words that do not allow me to sleep.
His affection is distance from those close to him,
rather aversion, refuses to be consistent.
He rushes to extend the Salaam when we meet,
while underneath his ribs lies a diseased heart.

I heard Muhammad ibn al Mundhir say: I heard 'Abdul 'Azeez ibn 'Abdilaah say: Muhammad ibn Haazim said:

There are brothers who are always displaying smiles,
and brothers: 'Hayaak Allaah' and 'Marhaba (welcome)'.
And brothers: 'How are you and how's your family.',
but all this holds not the weight of a grain of sand.
Extremely generous when you are not in need of his wealth,
he says: I can give you a loan you if you are in need.
But if you tried to reach what is behind him,
you would find that his wealth is more distant than you thought.

Abu Haatim, may Allaah be pleased with him, said: The intelligent one does not befriend one who is two-faced, or one who has two hearts. He does not reveal anymore affection that what he conceals, and he does not conceal any less love than what he reveals. He should not be, when hardships arise, any different than he were before they arose or before getting involved, because a friendship that is unlike this is not praiseworthy. A man from Khuzaa'ah recited to Muhammad ibn Khalaf at Taymee, who recited to Muhammad ibnul Mundhir, who recited to me:
My brother is not the one who shows his love for me verbally,
but my brother is he who shows love for me during hardships.
He whose wealth is mine if I had none,
as my wealth is his if he were in need
So do not praise a friend during times of ease,
for he may forfeit his friendship during hardships.
He is only: 'How are you', and 'welcome',
but with his wealth is as evasive as a fox.

Abu Haatim, may Allaah be pleased with him, said: From the greatest of signs in knowing a persons affection...
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Thursday, February 21, 2008

"Whoever abandons something for the sake of Allaah, He will replace it for him with something better than it"

"Whoever abandons something for the sake of Allaah, He will replace it for him with something better than it"

AUTHOR: 'Alee Hasan al-Halabee
SOURCE: Al-Asaalah Magazine (Issue 31, pg. 60-61)

The teacher of our teachers,[1] the great scholar and historian, Shaikh Muhammad Raaghib At-Tabbaakh, rahimahullaah, mentioned the following story in his book “I’laam an-Nubalaa bi-Taareekh Halab ash-Shuhabaa” (7/231):

“Shaikh Ibraaheem Al-Hilaalee Al-Halabee – a pious and noble scholar – traveled to Al-Azhar University in search of knowledge. While seeking knowledge, he became very poor and used to rely on charity. One time, several days passed by and he did not find anything to eat, so he became extremely hungry.

So he came out of his room in Al-Azhar to ask for some scraps of food. He found an open door from which a pleasant smell of food was coming out of. So he entered the door and found himself in a kitchen with no one around. There he found some tempting food, so he grabbed a spoon and dipped it in, but when he lifted it to his mouth, he held himself back from eating it, since he realized that he had not been given permission to eat from it. So he left it and returned to his room in the dormitory of Al-Azhar, still hungry and starving.

But no less than an hour passed by, when one of his teachers, accompanied by another man, came into his room. And his teacher said to him: ‘This noble man came to me seeking a righteous student of knowledge to choose for marrying his daughter, and I have chosen you for him. So rise and come with us to his home where we can complete the marriage contract between you and his daughter and you can become part of his household.’ So Shaikh Ibraaheem struggled to get to his feet, obeying the command of his teacher and went with them. And behold they took him to the very same house he had been to, and which he had entered and dipped the spoon into the food!

So when he sat down, the girl’s father married her to him and the food was brought out. It was the same food he had put the spoon into before and which he abandoned. But now he ate from it and said to himself: ‘I withheld from eating it when I had no permission, but now Allaah has given me this food with permission.’

Afterward, this righteous wife went back with him to Halab, after he had finished his studies. And she bore righteous children for him.” So this is the fruit of patience and this is the result of having taqwaa, as Allaah says: “And whoever has Taqwaa of Allaah, He will make a way out for him (from hardship), and He will provide for Him from places He never imagined.” [Surah At-Talaaq: 2-3]

But as for those who are hasty – those who do not distinguish between the truth and falsehood, seeking after the transitory vanities of this worldly life – they will never experience anything but grief and sorrow in their hearts, for they will never attain the worldly life nor will they ever achieve Religion. This is because they forget – or perhaps neglect – the saying of Allaah: “Is not Allaah sufficient for His servant?” [Surah Az-Zumar: 36] As for those who are patient and firm and who have Taqwaa, they will gain ascendancy in this life and glory and honor with their Lord on the Day of Judgement.

And Allaah says: “So give the glad tidings to the patient ones.” [Surah Al-Baqarah: 155] And He says: “Verily, the patient ones will be given their reward without any reckoning.” [Surah Az-Zumar: 10]

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Monday, February 11, 2008

"How beautiful Knowledge is, better than gold and money, better than beautiful women, better than worldly possessions, Allah willing we will seek Knowledge until we die."

Shaykh Muqbil bin Haadee al-Waad'iee

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Friday, February 8, 2008

Could You?

Could you describe the sky

to a person without sight,

the gift of shades and shadows

you receive each day and night?

Could you depict the freedom

of walking down the street

to a person who has never

had the use of their two feet?

Could you express the comfort

of sleeping in a bed

to someone who does not have

a place to lay their head?

Could you explain the pleasure

of a satisfying meal

to a child who has never known

the fullness that you feel?

Could you, in all honesty,

with good and truthful measure,

say that you are thankful

and consider life a treasure?

Could You?
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The Weeping of Umm Ayman

On the authority of Anas, who said: ‘Aboo Bakr said to ‘Umar, after the death of the Messenger of Allaah sal’Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam: “Let us go visit Umm Ayman, as the Messenger of Allaah sal’Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam used to visit her.” When they finished visiting her (and were about to leave) she began to cry. So they asked her: “What is it that makes you cry? Is not that which is with Allaah better for the Messenger of Allaah sal’Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam?” So she replied: I am not crying because I am not aware that that which is with Allaah is better for the Messenger of Allaah sal’Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, but I am crying because the revelation from the heavens has stopped.” This moved them to tears, so they both began to weep with her.’ [Reported by Muslim]
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